Sunday, October 10, 2010

the demo begins...

We got the bathtub delivered today! It looks great. The guy who painted the outside said that he left it out in the sun to dry and that he couldn't keep people out of it, even with a SOLD sign on it. Kind of weird to think strangers have been in our bathtub before us, but glad to know we will have a bathtub so cool we could charge admission.

(dachshund not included)

In other good news, we finally got rid of the shed. This nice guy actually showed up and took it. Well, actually it didn't happen that quickly. He wanted to re-use it so he spent about 3 hours disassembling it using our drill that was never fully charged and a screw driver. Poor guy. But, our yard does look awesome now and about 3 times larger.

We spent the day ripping out a good portion of the paneling in the future dining room. It was quite the task. KCA and I decided that if we do something for Halloween this year, we think we will dress up as paneling.

We also started demo-ing the bathroom. Hopefully this means we will be getting a working bathroom in by the time we move in. *fingers crossed*

(KCA did that with her fist... no not really)

(soon to be gutted)

(old shower door in the old bathtub)

(gross shower)

(goodbye header)

(shower rot)

As if we weren't busy enough, we also decided on paint colors today. But you don't get to see those... yet.

The outside of the house should be getting painted this week. I will post pictures as soon as that happens. Goodbye ugly brown color, we won't miss you.

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